Monday, June 9, 2014

Resting in the Poewer of God

I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching [were] not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. - 1Co 2:3-5 NKJV
It is very easy to communicate with people who agree with you already. No matter what you are saying, when your audience is a friendly group of peers that share your convictions and beliefs it is a great strength and comfort. However, when you move outside of that safe place and expose your convictions and beliefs in the marketplace it becomes a fearful thing and the gospel of Jesus is far more divisive than most anything else you can share. The Jesus presented in the bible cuts through our inner being and dices up much of our cultural norms. I am now in weakness, fear and much trembling, for I have chosen to live for God in such a way I am considered foolish by many. Yet I do not boast in my “courage” to push forward, for if it were by my own power then I might have a boast, but it is solely because of the revelation of Jesus Christ. My hope is in the reward of the gospel that is stored up in heaven for me, and the glory of the Kingdom of God, for it is God who chose the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. In other words, I am on display, living counter to the American wisdom, believing that my life is truly hidden with Christ in God. My own heart attempts to defraud me, saying what are you doing, what are you accomplishing? Even though I continue in faith that what Jesus said is true. What many of you may be unaware of is that my “blind faith” is not blind or misguided, but it stands upon the power of God. Jesus revealed himself to me through visions and acts of power. I was not persuaded to become a “Christian” by a convincing presentation of the gospel, but direct communication from the Lord. So now, after 20+ years it appears the silence of heaven has grown loud, but I stand firm on the power of God. 

Now to you I say if you claim to have faith, what is it built upon; reason, arguments, wisdom of men, science, history, logic, etc. If your faith is built upon any of these things then you are in danger because they are not enough to preserve you. We will continue to work, toil, spin and otherwise wear ourselves out to gain prominence, security and peace in this age when all the while we are called to rest. We work our fingers to the bone to have a good retirement and then have it snatched away by some type of difficulty and are left wondering, “What was the point”. It has been sung that everybody’s working for the weekend, and I know what it is like, but this is not the life God has planned for us. All we want is to be happy and yet we sacrifice our happiness in order to get it and wonder why we are bitter, angry and selfish. Let your faith be in God and the work He accomplished through His Son Christ Jesus our Lord. Rest in Him, for He is returning to gather His beloved to Himself to lavish His love upon you who believe. Outlandish and foolish but the only rock solid hope there is.