Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Where Sin Abounds

Rom 5:20 NKJV - Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more,

 My son is not yet fully potty trained. Sometimes he fails to poop in the potty. We never reward him for not pooping in the potty, and as long as he is still willing to recognize that he needs to poop in the potty we gently correct him and clean him up for a fresh start. If he says "I will not poop in the potty." then we correct and discipline him. We know that eventually he will be potty trained.  It would be very strange for us to consider him potty trained if he wasn't. It would be even stranger for us to ignore when he poops in his pants and say he is clean. When we willfully remain in sin and believe we are OK with God we are not receiving His grace but ignoring it.

Folks, it is paramount that we realize that we are not bound to sin any longer. The grace of God does not afford us a free pass, but a free change. We are transformed through the work of grace and no longer slaves to sin. We cast off sin by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. When we continue in sin, as if there is no option to overcome, we degrade the power of the cross to some future by and by instead of appropriating the truth and applying it by faith. Grace overcomes sin and washes us clean.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Corporately Desiring The Fullness

You Are God's Delight

Delight is the root of desire. In other words we will desire whatever it is we delight in. Delight is what puts a smile on our faces, what keeps us going through the tough times. It is the stuff of imaginations and inventions. When we delight in something or someone we place value on them. Our delight produces desire. We desire to be with someone or to be somewhere. Our fantasies always carry us into what we delight in and will fuel our desire to bring that imagination into reality. We will become what we delight in.

You are God’s delight. Even before the first man was created, the imagination of God’s heart was upon you. He allowed you to be intricately woven through His being until His love for you produced the insatiable desire to create you. He formed you and fashioned you in pleasure for pleasure. His smile was upon His creation. He prepared all of creation before you, to set you in it as a gift, your playroom. Name the animals, tend the garden, tell me what you discover, I love you, I delight in you. You do not abandon what you delight in.

All sin is misplaced delight. This is why God cannot sin, He is the source of all delight and pleasure. When our delight is in the creation rather than the creator we seek to please ourselves at the expense of our own pleasure. Like the blind leading the blind we both fall into a ditch. Eve delighted in the forbidden fruit, Adam delighted in his wife, Cain delighted in jealousy, and all of mankind has struggled to find peace outside of God. Yet God has never given up on His delight. He has longed for your fellowship, your companionship. If you have wondered what is on God’s mind, it is you. All of His thoughts are consumed with passion and delight for your affections. He has desired you so much that He has become like you, yes He put on your flesh, the body of death. so He can overcome all things for you.

Just believe in me. This is the cry of God in Jesus. I can and will lead you out of your trouble, your struggle. He knows your pain, He felt it and still feels it. He knows the temptation you feel in your flesh. He knows the imaginations of your mind, how they war against what is truly good. He knows why you are deceived and led astray by the enticement of the flesh. He can bring you into victory, He can bring you into true happiness.

You have been in love with death for so long that you do not even recognize life. You have desired the “pleasures” of darkness for so long that the light is an annoyance to you that just hurts your eyes and you shrink back from his love turning back into your sin thinking you have no power to overcome. You have even turned the love of God into a lie and made Him a taskmaster instead of your deliverer.  You claim your fleshly birth rights found in the desire of the flesh and mind while ignoring the change and power afforded you by God in Christ Jesus through being born again of His Spirit.

God is calling you to delight in Him. To behold His neverending love for you. To be washed in the power of His strong desire for you. Only turn and believe. He is weeping over your sin. He is calling you to repent because true delight is only found in Him. He created you for His own pleasure, and His great delight is to keep you safe, secure and happy. He is the only One who can give you the desire of your heart. He does not add trouble to His gifts. Peace and joy are yours in Him. Stop chasing the darkness. Come out of hiding and let the light of His glory rest upon you so that you will be ever living in His joy.