My soul is torn, and the tear is growing worse. I have an affliction, a malady of the worst kind. For my desire is entirely for another world, another age, another kingdom, and another King, yet I am trapped in this present time with no escape except through visions, dreams, trances, death and the return of my King. You might say my life is a waste, to expend all my energy hoping for something yet unseen, but knowing that all this you see is coming to an end, how can I choose to live any other way. It is not as if I have hidden away and grown ignorant towards this world, on the contrary I am growing in concern, desiring greatly to warn and to teach every man the mystery of Christ. So few care, so few change; many respond, many proclaim Jesus is Lord, but so few actually live for the age to come. Where are the ones who can see, who are not overly pumped up with the hype of religion and movements, but steadfast and level headed in the faith. The plowers, the laborers, the pioneers who forsake everything in this age for Jesus, those who don’t look back. I have no fathers in the faith, many desire to teach, but few actually lead. My soul is torn and it is a wondrous thing. I hate this world and the things in it because they violently rip men’s hearts from experiencing the truth. We live in an age where faith equals foolishness; nothing can be taken at a word any longer. I believe in what is invisible, and many who are dying and deceived also believe in invisible things, but I have hope in a God, a God who became man and then suffered in my place, winning the ultimate victory over death, rising from the grave. O King Jesus come and visit me in your absence, awaken your people, give us times of refreshing in the Spirit until the Day of Your return. Strengthen us by Your Spirit, take us into truth and let our eyes behold Your glory. Come Lord Jesus.