In the time of the Judges in Israel, Eli was the high priest at Shiloh, where the Ark of God was. He had two sons; Hophni and Phinehas. They served as priests before God, but they did so wickedly, having neither regard for the law of God nor any love for the people. They took food from the offerings by force that was not meant for the priests and also had their way with the women. Eli did not rebuke his sons, nor did they respect their father and God pronounced a severe judgment on the house of Eli. Now Israel was at war with the Philistines at this time, and the Philistines were winning. The men of Israel had the idea to bring the ark of God into the battle, so they sent to Hophni and Phinehas to bring it, and they did. Both sons of Eli were killed during the battle and the Ark of God was captured, and Eli fell and died when he heard the news. It was at this time that it was said that the glory of God had departed from Israel.
Well the Philistines did not have a good experience with the Ark of God and sent it back to Israel and it ended up in the city of Kirjath Jearim for twenty years. It was actually not until the reign of David that the Ark of God was brought up.
The reason I mention this story is I want to look at the way God was being treated. You see God is alive, and is a being who desires friendship and companionship. Yet the priests were not treating Him that way. They did not take God’s presence seriously. They used their position as a means for personal gain. Their attitude must have spread through Israel because the men of Israel saw the Ark of God as a good luck charm. As if God was a puppet or tool to be used by man to gain an advantage. But God has His own agenda and it cannot be set for Him. God was present at the battle but it wasn’t to help Israel but to harm them. Why? They did not rightly present Him to the nations.
How is God being treated at your church? Or by you? Is he a good luck charm you pull out in times of danger to get you out of trouble? You see, if the glory of God is not present it is because we don’t fear or revere God. Like the children of Eli were more interested in what they could get away with because of their position as priests, we use our so-called freedom in Christ to continue in sin asking forgiveness as it seems necessary. Jesus has become more like a lucky rabbits foot than the risen King of the universe.
I do not know how much time this nation has left, but we have been playing games with God for far too long. He is real and He is alive and He is holy. It is time to turn our hearts in reverence to Him. I encourage you all to search your hearts and really turn to God. I love you all.