Friday, October 29, 2010

Guardians Of The Secrets Things

I was reading “The Seven Longings Of The Human Heart” by Mike Bickle when I came across a statement that struck me. On page 98 he writes “Nothing hurts like intimacy exposed.” He is referring to when you share a very personal secret with another and then they betray your trust by sharing it with another who you did not want to know. Farther down on the same page he writes “…Intimacy with Jesus is not a one-sided discussion. Jesus has secrets of His own.”

I have never really considered that intimacy with Jesus is being included in His secrets. I believe it is in the secret place that He whispers His secrets to those whom He loves. Only those who love Him ever find this secret place. But the thing that gripped me is the hurt we cause by exposing His intimate secrets with others. We use the intimate love language we have with the Lord to try and bolster our ministries, making ourselves look spiritual. We don’t treat our friends or spouses this way saying “Hey everyone guess what I know about so and so”, yet we somehow think that everything He speaks in the secret place is for public consumption.

To become one who hears secrets we must become one who keeps secrets. We become the guardians of the secret things of God. There is a secret place Jesus desires to have only with you, and there are secret things He desires to whisper only to you in His still small voice. The invitation is open to all who believe on His name, but the experience is only given to those who come.

Intimacy is founded on time spent. The more time spent with someone the more you get to know each other and more is revealed. Deep secrets are not revealed in the first meeting, there are always deeper things and then deeper things after that. This continues forever. Let us not be satisfied with a surface meeting with the Lord, but answer His call into His deep heart of love.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meditation on the parable of the woman and the lost coin

"Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? “And when she has found it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!' "Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." Luke 15:8-10

Have you ever lost something of great value? This is how you are viewed by Jesus, one having great value. He searches with diligence, carefully seeking for someone who hears His voice. He values finding you, saving you, cleaning you up, and every other part of the process. There is not a single part of the process of redeeming you that He does not do willingly and with great joy. You are the joy set before Him. In His road from heaven to earth and back again, you are the only thing He came to get; He left heaven to perform a diligent and careful search for you. He knows exactly who is His and He will find them all. Your presence before Him causes great rejoicing in heaven. The Lord and all the host of heaven rejoice together in your salvation. I rejoice with Him when one comes to repentance and sees Jesus as the Lord of all. You are worthy of rejoicing over, you are worthy of the Lord of heaven and earth to throw a big party over, just like the prodigal son returning to the father, so the Lord rejoices over you. He has not found you in order to hire you as an employee or treat you as a servant but you are His friend, His son, His bride. Everything that belongs to Him is yours.

He continues His careful and diligent search in you to bring you to perfection, to create in you a pure and contrite heart. All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. Count it all joy when you face trials. He is producing in you a crown of life. No matter how hard or unjust life may seem, God is fully using everything to make you like Himself, and He is always good. God is good and there is no wickedness in Him!

Read Psalm 139

I cannot run from You, for You pursue me with Your presence where ever I run. Thank you Lord for Your relentless pursuit of Me, that You are not satisfied to leave Me a wretch, You are not pleased in My destruction, nor do You discipline Me for joy but all things are done in hope; hope that I will turn and serve You with my whole heart.

I want to run only to You. Give me a heart to run only to You no matter how much it hurts.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Who Am I Lord?

Who am I Lord that You would count me worthy to help build the House of Prayer?  What is man that you are mindful of Him? 

In all of our callings and dealings with Jesus we come across the question of worthiness, the question of who am I.  The Lord calls you worthy simply in the fact that He took the time to form you, to fashion you in His very own image and according to His likeness.  But I have dome so much wickedness you might say, how is it He would use me.  You are not so wicked that God can not turn you around and use you.  Remember the nations of Canaan, Israel had to go into captivity in Egypt for over 400yrs for the sins of those entire nations to reach their fullness before God was willing to destroy them.  Do you think you are so wicked that in your 70 or 80 years you can heap up enough wickedness to cause God to shut you out for good?  You can not!  You are thinking too highly of yourself if you think your wickedness can shut out Gods goodness in your short life span.  It takes generations of wickedness to bring the judgments of God upon a nation, and even in those judgments His hand is still stretched out to show you mercy.

Back to the question....Who am I?  You are the love of His life, the apple of His eye, the object of all His affections!  He is the Father who gives good gifts to His children.  He is not looking for an excuse to destroy you, on the contrary He is doing everything to rescue you from this perverse generation.  We must lift our chins up and remember who our daddy is!  Let the world do what it may to us, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

We are like prisoners of war who have been beaten so much that we have forgotten out royal heritage.  We wander around on this earth in this age scrambling for names and positions forgetting that we are fully in the enemies camp.  The whole earth lies under the sway of the wicked one.  He is doing everything he can to cause you to fall asleep and forget God, to stay numb to the presence of the Holy One, pursuing after worldly lusts.  Turn your eyes to heaven and forsake all for Christ, this life is but a vapor and then we are with Jesus.  When it is time to stand before Him, I want to already know Him, to be deep into our relationship, so that the transition from this age to the next is not a trial but a joy as I look to the Author and Finisher of my faith.  He is highly exalted and He calls me His bride! 

Who am I then?  I am His beloved bride.  I have been pursued and won by the One who has all authority in heaven and on earth.  Will you come?  Come Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hear God

  The Lord is speaking now and always.  He is not a silent and stoic God with nothing current to say to us.  He is not off somewhere conducting business for a time, we are His business.  Of everything created both visible and invisible we are the only ones created in His image and according to His likeness; we are His kind.  Knowing about God is not enough in the same way just knowing about your spouse is not enough.  Imagine if we treated one another in the way we assume that God is treating us.  None of our relationships would last if we came to a place of saying it is now better if I go away but do not worry or be sad because I have a book about myself.  Not only would my wife be very unhappy if I left her and said we will no longer have any communication, but I would likewise be unable to restrain myself from speaking to her.  God will not restrain Himself from speaking to the very object of His greatest affection...His bride.
  So take time to listen!  The number one priority of a believers life ought to be listening to the voice of God.  It is through the voice of God that everything happens.  Nothing happens unless He first speaks, either in us or in the earth.  Every response is a response to Gods voice.  But don't stop with simple listening, allow Him to work in You, submit to the voice of God...obey His voice.  As you obey His voice you will begin to know Him at a level far better than commandments, you will begin to know HIm and see Him as your bridegroom.  His love for you is much more passionate than you have realized, much more consistant, and not very tame.  Every longing, every desire contained in you has its true fulfillment in Him.  Its time for the church to wake up to the voice of God.

Monday, October 25, 2010

He Is Our Only Hope

If you could be godly, you wouldn’t need God.  You do not have anything original.  There is nothing new under the sun.  But God is exalted high above the sun and He is doing a new thing.  Do you want to know what it is?  Me too.  We only know about God what He has revealed about Himself.  Jesus said that He is the exact representation of the Father, so we can see Jesus in the bible, what He is like.  Whatever Jesus is like, the Father is like.  Jesus also said that it is better for us if He returns to the Father because then He would send us another Comforter, Holy Spirit.  Jesus said of Holy Spirit that He would guide us into all truth, He would tell us of things to come, and He would come in us and upon us.  Just as Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing, the Holy Spirit will only speak what He has heard from the Father.  God is revealing Himself from every direction; we must throw ourselves at His feet and worship.