Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Who Am I Lord?

Who am I Lord that You would count me worthy to help build the House of Prayer?  What is man that you are mindful of Him? 

In all of our callings and dealings with Jesus we come across the question of worthiness, the question of who am I.  The Lord calls you worthy simply in the fact that He took the time to form you, to fashion you in His very own image and according to His likeness.  But I have dome so much wickedness you might say, how is it He would use me.  You are not so wicked that God can not turn you around and use you.  Remember the nations of Canaan, Israel had to go into captivity in Egypt for over 400yrs for the sins of those entire nations to reach their fullness before God was willing to destroy them.  Do you think you are so wicked that in your 70 or 80 years you can heap up enough wickedness to cause God to shut you out for good?  You can not!  You are thinking too highly of yourself if you think your wickedness can shut out Gods goodness in your short life span.  It takes generations of wickedness to bring the judgments of God upon a nation, and even in those judgments His hand is still stretched out to show you mercy.

Back to the question....Who am I?  You are the love of His life, the apple of His eye, the object of all His affections!  He is the Father who gives good gifts to His children.  He is not looking for an excuse to destroy you, on the contrary He is doing everything to rescue you from this perverse generation.  We must lift our chins up and remember who our daddy is!  Let the world do what it may to us, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

We are like prisoners of war who have been beaten so much that we have forgotten out royal heritage.  We wander around on this earth in this age scrambling for names and positions forgetting that we are fully in the enemies camp.  The whole earth lies under the sway of the wicked one.  He is doing everything he can to cause you to fall asleep and forget God, to stay numb to the presence of the Holy One, pursuing after worldly lusts.  Turn your eyes to heaven and forsake all for Christ, this life is but a vapor and then we are with Jesus.  When it is time to stand before Him, I want to already know Him, to be deep into our relationship, so that the transition from this age to the next is not a trial but a joy as I look to the Author and Finisher of my faith.  He is highly exalted and He calls me His bride! 

Who am I then?  I am His beloved bride.  I have been pursued and won by the One who has all authority in heaven and on earth.  Will you come?  Come Lord Jesus!


  1. I like your blog, Kieth. The part about the adversary lulling many to sleep is so true.

    There is a disconnect in the church on what it means to be in the world and NOT OF THE WORLD. I have heard it preached on many times with little results.

    I have been meditating on communion and community and commitment. And by community I don't mean once or twice a week getting together to have fun. Recreation has its place but communion must go deeper.

    There needs to be a communion among believers and with God. We must make an effort to acknowledge Christ in us at all times. He is speaking through us. Christ in us communing through us and among us. When I short change communing with God I have little to offer other believers and even unbelievers. Worse than that the vaccuum will be filled with other lesser loves. I will probably expand this on my facebook page. I have felt a Spirit of revelation as I wrote this. Too much to put here.

    I do like our conversations. More often than not they feel like the road to Emmaus. Jesus comes along opening up the scriptures and I do not recognize Him. I think, this is Keith Ratzken talking, but then my eyes are opened and I see that was the Lord. Blessed be His name!

  2. Thank you Bryce. You are a great friend and brother in the LORD. I must ditto the feelings during our conversations, He truly speaks thorugh you.
