Monday, November 1, 2010

Let This Mind Be In You

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. Phil 2:5-7

Oh that I would live as if I have the mind of Christ Jesus. According to the Scripture I find that if I believe in Jesus I have the mind of Christ. Yet when I turn through the pages I find the actions of a man I am nothing like. He is marvelous in every way, and His love for me is perfect. I am going forward almost in a constant stumble, not as a man trapped in sin, but as a child learning to walk. I cast aside my reputation in this world and say “Come Lord Jesus!” I am sick with love for my Lord and my God. I have count everything loss that I might gain the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus.

Jesus laid down the glory of God to take up the sin of men. He hung it on the back of His throne as He stepped out of heaven and into the visible realm. Coming as a baby, born of a virgin, this mystery is so profound that it causes many to stumble. How humble, to place Himself under the authority of a little Jewish girl and her husband a carpenter. He was born in a manger. Yet heaven could not keep silent. Angels announced His birth to the shepherds as a heavenly choir. Wise men followed His star from the east. And during His dedication service His majesty was recognized by Anna and Simeon.

Inwardly He possessed all of what it means to be God and yet He was contained in the likeness of human flesh. Tempted in every way, yet never giving in. Astounding the teachers of the law when He was only twelve, this boy was destined for greatness.

Beginning His ministry with His baptism by His cousin John (this was a baptism of repentance) when He arose from the water, praying, the heavens opened and the Spirit descended upon Him. A voice from heaven declared Him this day (as well as on two other occasions in His life in the flesh), and John announced His preeminence from this moment forward.

Paul now has the audacity to tell us that we ought to have the same mind as this man. Do you have the audacity to believe it? I do.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! It is amazing to think the God of all things, descended from His heavenly throne, and decreased Himself to the form of a human under mortal parents and allowed His very on creation to rule over His human form. He walked, talked, healed and loved while He was here and finally he was crucified by the very creation that He came to save. Amazing! Oh how I love Him.
