Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Citizenship in Heaven

In believing that America is an expression of the Kingdom of God governmentally we have in essence shut down the expression of the power of the Kingdom of God.  Being a world power this faith in America has basically polluted the gospel on a global scale in very much the same way Rome did by mandating Christianity as the official religion of the state.  This error was not perceived by our founding fathers in that they established a freedom of religion clause to the charter, yet the “people of God” have attached America to themselves like a prosthetic arm or leg in place of citizenship in heaven.  In this we have failed to stand apart as ambassadors of another Kingdom that will and must consume all the governments of men with the fullness of the glory of God at the return of Jesus Christ.  We ask our lawmakers to pass “godly” laws and demand the respect of the wicked but we do not stand up and speak of repentance and salvation for our leaders.  We cast a ballot for the lesser of two evils while winking at the evil that is still present and compromising the pure good that the Spirit of God in us is pointing to; if His Spirit be in us.   In touting freedom and liberty through our constitution over the gospel of our One true God we essentially empower every false god and hold the value of America above the Kingdom of Him who saved us.  In Acts Herod was struck dead and eaten by worms for not giving glory to God, Ananias and Saphira were struck dead for lying to the Holy Spirit, the sorcerer was struck blind for trying to sway the proconsul from the faith, the apostles were beaten and imprisoned and performed great signs and wonders and we ask why don’t we see these things today?  We have traded the God of heaven for the idol of America and pledge allegiance to the flag of another Kingdom, how can the power of God rightly back our words if we serve another god.  How can the Kingdom of God come at the word of men who honor their citizenship in the earthly nation above the heavenly Kingdom.  I will preach a coming King who will set up His Kingdom and expect that as a representative of the Kingdom of God that His resources will supply me with every power necessary to convert the sinner and destroy the foolishness of the wise according to this age.  We must arm ourselves to suffer for the truth not fight for our rights.

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