Thursday, April 17, 2014

Awake, Awake O People

I see the end of America. It may be a long way off but the seed is a long time planted. I am not so sure of the germination time necessary for our demise to reach full bloom, but I am certain that the sprout has definitively broken the ground and begun to reach upward toward the sun.  You may disagree and hold out hope, and I would hope that you are correct, but the reality of our condition is far worse than you suspect. I only know of the travesty that surrounds life and the hopelessness that has penetrated the heart of a nation. Men of simple ideals are portrayed repeatedly as the enemy of progress, while the progression is leading us into a pit of destruction. Yes, progressives who are smug in their ideas to recreate humanity in their own image and likeness and hold not only no fear of God, but no time for Him, are forcing an ideology that cannot be sustained down the collective throat of America. I am no patriot though, for my hope is not the future of America, though I love the concept, my eggs are all in the basket of God’s Kingdom. I turn my cheek to be beaten by the arrogant evil of our day in order that it can be seen that there is no hypocrisy in God. There is One king, there is One ruler, and no one can overthrow His rule. His day is coming upon the whole earth and I rejoice in His goodness. As for America, I fear you are at your end. Here is a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. One stanza shy of the original.

Oh say can you see, at the end of the light
The glory of your freedom is approaching the night
Now those stripes and those stars are perverting your life
Will you just stand by and watch as they confound all reason
And our pockets are bare, our homes under siege
Most stand dumbfounded that our flag does not care
Oh, say does our constitution still carry any weight
Or are we defeated as cowards by our own halls of justice

The beaches still carry the sand and the seas
Moreover, the wind still blows freely through mountains and trees
However, our hearts are imprisoned by our leaders disease
To destroy from within and make our nation bleed
As our flag is the laughingstock across all the seas
Our enemies emboldened to take over our ways
Time to put down your beer can and begin to pray
Before we are defeated from our own halls of justice

In addition, where are a people who love freedom and peace?
Our imagination by false reason have sorely been fleeced
To pursue degradation as a rite of spring break
“I deserve” has become a mantra for the masses
No longer a nation with an ethic of value
We abort our babies while saving the animals
As we fight in the courtroom to preserve unknown values
We are defeated by deceivers in our own halls of justice

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