Friday, December 29, 2017

Connection; Our Greatest Desire

The greatest longing in the human soul is connection. We all long to be connected, we all desire intimacy without judgment (not sexuality but the baring of our soul). The body was not made for sexual immorality but for the Lord. We never quite understand one another, there is always a clarification, a finer point to our being that brings frustration because our partner, our friend, our lover needs further explanation. Yet we are to be ONE. We mistake connection with physical intimacy or see the deeper connection as the gateway to physical intimacy when all along the deeper connection is not according to the flesh or the desires of the mind but a melding with the Godhead in which we all become one body, one expression, one love.

This is not to say we lose our identity or personal distinction but that the flow of unity utilizes each trait without judgment with the same fluidity in which the hand and the eye function together. As I type this I know that my hands are depressing the keys that place the letters into your view, but (depending upon skill level) my eye is guiding my hand and my thought or consciousness is guiding my eye. Your consciousness is guiding all of your actions, and yet there is a deeper program that the consciousness defaults to. We live out things we disagree with and then perpetuate the disconnection, trying to cover up shame and struggle.

I say it's time to bare all, the nakedness of the soul, for before our Maker all is already known. I am not saying stand on the corner and shout your darkest fears and desires, but let them out so they can go forever. Connect on a deeper level with the one you were made for and let the transformation begin.

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