For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Cor 4:6
Are you in darkness? What an obscure term, darkness. How would you even know? Darkness cannot define darkness and neither can light define light, it is contrasts that bring definition. For good there must be evil, for right there must be wrong, for up there must be down, for right there must be left, for in there must be out, for truth there must be a lie.
Where does the definition come from? It is God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness. He is commanding us to allow His light to shine out of our darkness. His glory becoming very apparent as His strength is perfected in our weakness.
A child is told to look both ways before crossing the street. Is this right or wrong? The child is not interested in the motive of their instructor; he obeys or disobeys according to his own thoughts. Something else must define the moral or ethical value of their instruction.
While we were yet sinners God sent His Son into the world. Jesus is the visible representation of the invisible God. Everything we know about God must be defined by who Jesus is. If what we know about God is not consistent with whom Jesus is then we must throw it out.
As you look into the face of Jesus you will see the Father and your darkness will be turned into light and you will shine as sons of God.
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