Saturday, January 21, 2012

Love One Another

In my pursuit after God I find what look like constant setbacks, you know things to do that make it difficult to spend time reading, praying, writing etc.  Right now I am getting ready to head to the grocery store, a necessity I cannot avoid; we need food.  There is work, caring for my son, spending time with my wife, friends, things that need to be done around the house and the list goes on.  We could take the stance that all these things are opposed to our developing a friendship with God, but are they really?  I am learning that loving God is putting others ahead of yourself, and in most cases, my desire to read, write, pray, study and so on are rooted in my desire to serve myself, not others.  God knows how busy life is and He gives us these relationships to bring joy into the lives of our family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances.  These things to do are not intrusions into our Christianity but what God uses to test and prove it.  As we look not only to our own interests but the interests of others we will find our lives being enriched and the depth of our relationships bringing rewards that separation will never bring.  I want to see God move by His Spirit as much as anyone else, but when we consider what that would look like we must see beyond the miracles and the glory into loving one another.  So in our pursuit to love God with all our heart let us remember it is our love for our neighbor that proves it out.

1 comment:

  1. Keith, I'm proud of you, God always finds away to reveal his presence to us in the smallest of things, when we realize this, it is truly amazing. More people should realize the essence of God's words, and what it means in the bigger scope of life. God is love everlasting. Love you, Nana
